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Giraffe, Leilani, Grace & Miss Bliss are thriving at Wild Heart Sanctuary

So HAPPY we adopted these Onaqui Wild Girls!
They all came from an extremely vulnerable situation.
After surviving the Onaqui BLM roundup they were not with their family herd
anymore and in muddy miserable holding pens for almost 6 months!

We are thrilled we adopted them and provided them with their forever home.
Please join us on their journey.
We appreciate your support!

We need your ongoing support through monthly recurring donations. This gives the horses consistent care, and us peace of mind by ensuring we will always have the support to take care of them.  Every little bit helps to reach our goal!

Wish List Anchor

Below are their photos on the BLM adoption website.  The online adoption was super stressful, but last second we bid highest and got the two Mares & two Fillies we needed to rescue.

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Above are the two Mares & two Baby Fillies we adopted

Once they were free and wild, out in the Utah desert with the famous Onaqui herd.

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Before adoption they were in BLM holding pens, their freedom and families taken away--tagged, branded, torn from their herd and no stallion to protect them.

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We are so happy we adopted them!  They now will be at their forever home at Wild Heart Sanctuary.  
Safe, loved, cared for and free as can be!

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Your Donations are Deeply Appreciated

Your donation will show as on your

credit card statement.  

DBA-Wild Heart Sanctuary

EIN 26-3386244

The One Time Donation Page
is here.

Thank you for your support!
We are so grateful!

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