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The heart connections adults and children experience through Horse Journey yoga, planned visits and other experiences at Wild Heart Sanctuary vary, though the outcomes are extraordinary, deeply felt, magical and just what's needed for each person. Read about some of the connections visitors have made with the Wild Heart herd.

"Once you meet the horses you'll see, it's impossible not to dote on them and their beloved home." ~Genevieve 



"Since my first experience at Horse Journey Yoga at Wild Heart Sanctuary, I have felt such a strong urge to let others know of the peace, love and magic of these beautiful beings spirits that have helped me to sleep better at night and have made me feel such great peace in their presence."    --Stan


"Sonya, you and I will forever be bonded over our love of wild horses, our planet and ethical, humane treatment of all animals. I am blessed beyond words to have been taught by the 8 noble, magnificent, beautiful horses that you call your children. Without them I would never have learned the deep connections that can be forged without a single word.  I am eternally and forever grateful to each of them and to you for inviting me into your odessey of love for them.  We can make a difference and no matter how deflated, defeated, sad or angry I feel about it...I will fight for them until  I am dust." ---Shauna


"I discovered Wild Heart at a time when I needed to heal, reflect, and reinvent myself. Through Horse Journey Yoga and volunteering, I have reconnected with my own sacred heart. Co-creating unforgettable, transformative experiences in connection with eight beloved mustangs in a magical, natural setting infuses me with an energy like no-place else. Come to Wild Heart to find wholeness with the horses who seek refuge in this place of peace. Don't be surprised if you see cranes, hawks, coyotes, elk, deer, prairie dogs, and the innocent childlike beauty you forgot to notice in YOU."



"Wild Hearts Sanctuary has been my sanctuary of peace and wisdom!  I help with Horse journey Yoga as these Wild mustangs are teaching me with telepathic notes of wisdom from their hearts!   

I include Miss Sonya, she is a master;  full of intuition while taking care of  these mustangs. I think she is a mustang in a human vessel!

My time I spend at this sanctuary is priceless and words can not describe the energy they all radiate.

So the best way to sum it up is... you have to experience it and every single time is magical, peaceful, and timeless !!!!!!   


Eternally grateful!"---Lisa

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Pierce (my 10 year old) was so saddened by the roundups. He called to Washington and wrote letters. (photo to the left)


He is so inspired by your mission to adopt of of the Onaqui. He donated $75 of his own money & encouraged his grandparents to more than match his money... his donation ended up being $200 as a result. My mom (Kim, who visited with us) was so inspired by his passion, that she in turn also donated $500 to the cause.


We are all pulling for you and hope that we can meet the 4 new members of the herd on our next trip to PC.

With love & respect,

Breanne (& Pierce) Rodino

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