We tell the horses the day they arrive here at Wild Heart Sanctuary...
"This is your forever home, you will never be enslaved or broken and
you will be unconditionally loved."
With Wild Heart Sanctuary you know exactly where your donations are going... to our Wild horses rescued from abuse, neglect and awful situations. Every one of our Wild Mustangs have survived the brutal, inhumane BLM roundups to live out their lives here wild and free as can be at their forever home. The money you donate goes to feed them(lots of hay and supplements), to our vet bills, barefoot farrier costs, upkeep of the sanctuary and much more.
Donations go to the horses to take care of them to the highest standards possible. 100% of you donations go towards taking care of the horses, sanctuary and advocacy work. No one collects salaries.
The founder, non-profit board & volunteers help out here as a labor of love.
Any Day is a Good Day to Give
I want to express my deep gratitude that you are considering involvement in the dire future of the wild American Mustangs. The herd at Wild Heart Sanctuary and their wild brothers and sisters roaming the West benefit greatly from your generosity.
Your donation will go a long way to support our Sanctuary and advocacy efforts so the remaining wild ones maintain their freedom and others in inhumane captivity find refuge in sanctuaries of their own.
Any gift in any amount - it all makes a difference.
From our wild heart to yours,
Sonya Richins,
Founder Wild Heart Sanctuary
You may also donate by sending a check payable to:
120 Westwood Road, Park City, UT 84098
Your donation will show as donorbox on your credit card statement.