Wild Heart Sanctuary is the forever home for a small herd of wild Mustangs. Each horse was captured in roundups conducted by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), some chased by helicopters for as many as 20 miles. The brand on their necks is a "badge of honor" representing their perseverance to survive traumatic roundups, deplorable captivity conditions and being marked for slaughter. They have not only survived, but have thrived!
Wind Walker &Noble Moon
Wind Walker (right) and Noble Moon, just six months old at the time, were members of the Sinbad herd in Price, UT that were chased by helicopter to a Bureau of Land Management (BLM) holding area. During the roundup, Wind Walker suffered an injury, saw her stallion mate killed and was nearly separated from her baby filly Noble Moon.
Due to her injury, Wind Walker was marked for slaughter. Instead, Wind Walker and Noble Moon were rescued from the BLM by Sonya and the vision for the Wild Heart Sanctuary was born. Today, Wind Walker is the lead mare of the Wild Heart herd and Noble Moon has grown to become a wise healer, welcoming all visitors with open, heart-centered love.
Kokopelli, a direct descendant of the Wild Spanish Mustangs, was rounded up in Nevada, adopted out by the BLM and then passed around to several owners. When he was finally rescued at a slaughter auction by the compassionate owner of a Pony Club, he got out of the trailer, walked into the barn and collapsed. A veterinarian was called, declaring Kokopelli would not likely make it through the night. A few of the Pony Club girls laid by his side to comfort him in his final hours, petting him and telling him how much they loved him. By morning, he was healed from the power of little girl love and out in the pasture with the other horses. Later, he was gifted to the sanctuary. What a miracle and honor to have Kokopelli as lead Stallion of our Wild Heart Herd!
Today, Kokopelli is the healthy, confident lead stallion at Wild Heart Sanctuary.
Durango was passed around to many owners, broken hard, ignored, and left alone in a small dirty corral. At one point his name was Atlas (carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders), but a strong inner voice told sanctuary founder Sonya that his real name was Durango. Unbelievably and unbeknownst to her, the name he had prior to Atlas was Durango!
Durango had challenges finding his place among the other stallions, Kokopelli and Cinder, but has resolved his issues and is now Kokopelli's lieutenant stallion and the esteemed "Dr." Durango. Each morning he sniffs a selection of essential oils and decides which one is for the herd's highest good that day. He is even teaching newcomer Newt (a rescued Aussie Shepherd) some lessons on maintaining boundaries.
Vashti & Cinder
Vashti(left) and Cinder were stepping into a truck to take them to slaughter when someone saw their Mustang brands and brought them to Ching Farm Sanctuary. After recuperating, they were gifted to Wild Heart Sanctuary. Cinder is from Wyoming's Flouride herd and Vashti is from the Oregon's Kiger herd, same Herd as the animated movie Spirit: Stallion of Cimarron.
Cinder had a rough start at Wild Heart as stallions do what comes naturally--fight for status. Raised in captivity, he didn't know how to engage with the other stallions, but eventually found his place in the herd. Vashti immediately became Noble Moon's apprentice, learning how to heart connect with humans. Cinder recently transitioned to horsey heaven. He was so loved and will always have a place in our hearts. The Kids called him 'Unicorn', he shined like a Quartz Crystal and he was named Cinder, because he ran out of a range fire looking like a cinder from a fire....what a survivor!
The Onaqui Wild Girls
We just recently adopted our four Onaqui Wild Girls.
Giraffe-who was rounded up by the BLM TWO TIMES, was sterilized by them and she was beyond depressed. Giraffe always wanted a baby, but due to her being sterilized she never had a foal. She would go up to foals and love on them and keep them safe as their Auntie. Since Auntie Giraffe arrived here she has gotten her spark back and loves being with the fillies!
Leilani was orphaned during the BLM round-up and needed a forever home with loving humans and horses. She is so loving, gentle and kind, playing with Miss Bliss and grooming Giraffe & Grace everyday.
Grace birthed Miss Bliss in the Wild, and shortly after that they were rounded up by BLM helicopters. Miss Bliss running as fast as she could with her little legs. Thanks goodness she made it! Miss Bliss is a spit fire and her Mom Grace watches over her with love and adoration.
In memory of our beautiful white stallion Cinder....
who shined like a crystal quartz and was magical like a Unicorn.
You are missed so much, and you will always have a place in our wild hearts.
Love you so much!
Become a Supporter of the Wild Heart Herd
Your support of the Wild Heart Herd & Sanctuary
provides for ongoing care, feeding, supplements and facility maintenance for the horses.